Source code for watchful.attributes

This script provides the functions required for data enrichment.

import csv
import io
import json
import numbers
import os
import pprint
import re
from heapq import merge
from multiprocessing import Pool
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import psutil
from watchful import client

# Utility printer.
pprint._sorted = lambda x: x
pprint = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4).pprint

# Constants for use in the data enrichment. Generally, they should not be edited
# directly.
EnrichedCell = List[
            Dict[str, List[str]],

# Constants for encoding spans into compact strings. Do not edit them.
BASE = 64

# Chars: "0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmno"
NUMERALS = dict(
    map(lambda ic: (ic[0], chr(ic[1])), enumerate(range(48, 48 + BASE)))

# Chars: "#$%&'()*"
        lambda ic: (ic[0], chr(ic[1])),
        enumerate(range(35, 35 + COMPRESSED_LEN)),

[docs]def set_multiprocessing(is_multiproc: bool) -> None: """ This function sets whether multiprocessing is used for the data enrichment. This is still in internal alpha mode and is not expected to be used by user. :param is_multiproc: The multiprocessing flag. :type is_multiproc: bool """ global IS_MULTIPROC global MULTIPROC_CHUNKSIZE if is_multiproc and not IS_MULTIPROC: IS_MULTIPROC = True MULTIPROC_CHUNKSIZE = 500 elif not is_multiproc: IS_MULTIPROC = False MULTIPROC_CHUNKSIZE = None
[docs]def set_multiproc_chunksize(multiproc_chunksize: int) -> None: """ This function sets the multiprocessing chunk size for the data enrichment, if multiprocessing is used. This is still in internal alpha mode and is not expected to be used by user. :param multiproc_chunksize: The multiprocessing chunk size, at least 1. :type multiproc_chunksize: int """ assert multiproc_chunksize >= 1 if IS_MULTIPROC: global MULTIPROC_CHUNKSIZE MULTIPROC_CHUNKSIZE = multiproc_chunksize
[docs]def base64(num: int) -> str: """ This function takes in an integer value and returns its encoded string value. :param num: The integer value. :type num: int :return: The encoded string value. :rtype: str """ if num == 0: return NUMERALS[0] ret = "" while num > 0: ret += NUMERALS[num % BASE] num = num // BASE return ret[::-1]
[docs]def base64str(list_of_integers: List[int]) -> str: """ This function takes in a list of integers and returns its encoded string value with substrings representing those integers in base64. Additional compression is done by concatenating consecutive base64 strings of the same length. This compressed encoding is detected by inspecting the first character s[0] in the ASCII range 35 inclusive to 42 inclusive. The rest of the string s[1:] should be partitioned into its own strings with length ascii_code(s[0]) - 34 each. Examples: "#1234" represents "1,2,3,4" "$1234" represents "12,34" "&1234" represents "1234" (which is never compressed since the original value is shorter than the compressed value) The ASCII codes for the character prefixes in the examples are: "#" => 35 "$" => 36 "&" => 38 Compression will not be done for a base64 encoded integer if it is preceded or suceeded by a base64 encoded integer of a different length. The range 35 inclusive to 42 inclusive is chosen because it contains characters that do not need to be escaped in JSON, nor does the range contain comma (",") as it is used as a delimiter to concatenate all of the strings. :param list_of_integers: The list of integers. :type list_of_integers: List[int] :return: The encoded string value. :rtype: str """ ret = [] buf = [] def flush_buf(): buf_len = len(buf) if buf_len == 1: ret.append(buf[0]) elif buf_len > 1: compress_idx = len(buf[0]) - 1 if compress_idx < COMPRESSED_LEN: # compression limit ret.append(f'{COMPRESSED[compress_idx]}{"".join(buf)}') else: for x in buf: ret.append(x) def push_buf(buf, s): if len(buf) == 0 or len(s) == len(buf[0]): buf.append(s) else: flush_buf() buf = push_buf([], s) return buf for x in list_of_integers: buf = push_buf(buf, base64(x)) flush_buf() return ",".join(ret)
[docs]def contig_spans(spans: List[Tuple[int, int]]) -> List[int]: """ This function decodes a list of spans, i.e. [(start_1, end,_1), ..., (start_N, end_N)] to a list of contiguous spans, i.e. [gap_len_1, span_len_1, ..., gap_len_N, span_len_N]. :param spans: The list of spans. :type spans: List[Tuple[int, int]] :return: The list of contiguous spans. :rtype: List[int] """ contig = [] offset = 0 for (a, b) in spans: contig.append(a - offset) contig.append(b - a) offset = b return contig
[docs]def writer(output: io.TextIOWrapper, n_rows: int, n_cols: int) -> Callable: """ This function takes in the output file object and the number of rows and columns of the dataset. It returns a write function that takes in all of the attributes for a cell in the dataset, where a cell is located on a row and a column pair. The cells' attributes should be in this shape (note that the following is in Rust idiom): [ ( spans: Vec<(int, int)>, attr_vals: Map<String, Vec<Any>>, name: Option<String> ), .. ] ``spans`` is a sorted vector of span (start, end) in the cell. ``attr_vals`` is a map from attribute name to values for the ``spans``. None means that the attribute has no value for that token defined by its span. ``name`` is an optional parameter which can be used to give a name to the spans, where the attribute value of that name is the content of the spans themselves. Examples of this are sentences, noun_chunks, tokens or collage_names. :param output: The output file for all the attributes of a dataset. :type output: io.TextIOWrapper :param n_rows: The number of rows of the original dataset. :type n_rows: int :param n_cols: The number of columns of the original dataset. :type n_cols: int :return: The function that takes in all of the attributes for a cell in the dataset and writes an encoded representation for them onto output. :rtype: Callable """ # Dictionaries for writing the attribute and value mappings. attrs = {} values = {} def write_jsonl(obj): json.dump(obj, output, separators=(",", ":")) output.write("\n") def write(cell_data): new_attrs = [] new_values = {} cell = [] # For each span data tuple for the cell with the span and attribute # values. # For those spans, do: for span_data in cell_data: span = span_data[0] attr_vals = span_data[1] name = span_data[2] if len(span_data) == 3 else None # Gather the new attributes and values # Gather and create new mappings at the same time. Duh :) for (attr, vals) in attr_vals.items(): if attr not in attrs: attrs[attr] = len(attrs) + 1 values[attr] = {} new_attrs.append(attr) for val in vals: if isinstance(val, numbers.Number): val = str(val) elif val and not isinstance(val, str): raise Exception( "Attribute value must be a string, " "None or a number. Was: " + val ) if val and not val in values[attr]: values[attr][val] = len(values[attr]) + 1 if attr not in new_values: new_values[attr] = [] new_values[attr].append(val) # Create the vector for the current cell. span_val = [] if name is not None: span_val.append(name) for (attr, vals) in attr_vals.items(): assert len(span) == len( vals ), "Must be the same amount of spans as attribute values." # Not base64 the attributes to save space since there aren't # that many of them. span_val.append(attrs[attr]) span_val.append( base64str([values[attr][val] if val else 0 for val in vals]) ) cell.append(base64str(contig_spans(span))) cell.append(span_val) # Output the lines (attributes, values and the cell value itself). if new_attrs: write_jsonl(["@"] + new_attrs) if new_values: for (k, vals) in new_values.items(): write_jsonl(["$", k] + vals) write_jsonl(cell) # Write the header once and return the write function to be called by users. write_jsonl({"version": "0.3", "rows": n_rows, "cols": n_cols}) return write
[docs]def spacy_atterize( doc, # spacy.tokens.doc.Doc (remove type hint to reduce load time) ) -> EnrichedCell: """ This function creates an enriched cell from the cell inference derived by SpaCy NLP. It extracts attributes from a SpaCy document. Attributes are associated to substrings, being tokens, entities, sentences or noun chunks. Every Substring is identified by its character start index and character end index. :param doc: Cell inference. :type doc: spacy.tokens.doc.Doc :return: The enriched cell. :rtype: EnrichedCell """ # Return value cell = [] def float_to_str(f): return str(round(f * 100.0)) # Polarity and subjectivity via nlp.add_pipe("spacytextblob") cell.append( ( [(0, len(doc.text))], { "polarity": [float_to_str(doc._.blob.polarity)], "subjectivity": [float_to_str(doc._.blob.subjectivity)], }, ) ) # Token level assessment of the polarity and subjectivity assessments = {} for ( words, polarity, subjectivity, _, ) in doc._.blob.sentiment_assessments.assessments: for word in words: regex = re.compile(f"\\b{re.escape(word)}\\b") for m in regex.finditer(doc.text): span = m.span() if not span in assessments: assessments[span] = (1, [polarity], [subjectivity]) else: (c, ps, ss) = assessments.get(span) ps.append(polarity) ss.append(subjectivity) assessments[span] = (c + 1, ps, ss) assess_spans = [] pol_vals = [] subj_vals = [] for span in sorted(assessments.keys()): (c, ps, ss) = assessments.get(span) assess_spans.append(span) pol_vals.append(float_to_str(sum(ps) / c)) subj_vals.append(float_to_str(sum(ss) / c)) cell.append( ( assess_spans, {"token_polarity": pol_vals, "token_subjectivity": subj_vals}, ) ) # Token level attributes tok_spans = [] pos_vals = [] tag_vals = [] lem_vals = [] case_vals = [] for token in doc: tok_spans.append((token.idx, token.idx + len(token.text))) pos_vals.append(token.pos_) tag_vals.append(token.tag_) lem = token.lemma_ lem_vals.append(lem if lem.isalpha() else None) case = None if token.is_lower: case = "lower" elif token.is_title: case = "title" elif token.is_upper: case = "upper" elif token.is_space: case = "space" elif token.is_punct: case = "punct" elif token.is_quote: case = "quote" elif token.is_digit: case = "number" elif token.is_bracket: case = "bracket" elif token.is_currency: case = "currency" case_vals.append(case) cell.append( ( tok_spans, { "pos": pos_vals, "tag": tag_vals, "lemma": lem_vals, "case": case_vals, }, "TOKS", ) ) # Entities ent_spans = [] ent_vals = [] for ent in doc.ents: ent_spans.append((ent.start_char, ent.end_char)) ent_vals.append(ent.label_) cell.append((ent_spans, {"entity": ent_vals})) # Sentences and noun chunks cell.append( ([(sent.start_char, sent.end_char) for sent in doc.sents], {}, "SENTS") ) cell.append( ( [(chunk.start_char, chunk.end_char) for chunk in doc.noun_chunks], {}, "NOUNCH", ) ) return cell
[docs]def spacy_atterize_fn( cell: str, spacy_atterize_: Callable, nlp: Callable, ) -> EnrichedCell: """ This function creates an enriched cell from the original cell using the SpaCy NLP enrichment objects. :param cell: The original cell. :type cell: str :param spacy_atterize_: The enrichment function that creates an enriched cell from the cell inference derived by SpaCy NLP. :type spacy_atterize_: Callable :param nlp: A SpaCy NLP enrichment object. :type nlp: Callable :return: The enriched cell. :rtype: EnrichedCell """ # Adding spacytextblob, cannot do it in load_spacy because of # our multiprocessing code. Adding a pipe to SpaCy is idempotent. from spacytextblob.spacytextblob import ( # pylint: disable=unused-import SpacyTextBlob, ) if not nlp.has_pipe("spacytextblob"): nlp.add_pipe("spacytextblob") return spacy_atterize_(nlp(cell))
[docs]def load_spacy() -> Tuple: """ This function creates and returns the SpaCy NLP objects for data enrichment. :return: The tuple of SpaCy NLP objects. :rtype: Tuple """ import spacy # nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm", exclude=["parser"]) nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm") nlp.enable_pipe("senter") return (nlp,)
[docs]def flair_atterize( sent, # (remove type hint to reduce load time) ) -> EnrichedCell: """ This function creates an enriched cell from the cell inference derived by Flair NLP. It extracts attributes from a Flair paragraph. Attributes are associated to substrings, being tokens, entities, sentences or noun chunks. Every Substring is identified by its character start index and character end index. :param sent: Cell inference. :type sent: :return: The enriched cell. :rtype: EnrichedCell """ enriched_cell = [] ent_spans = [] ent_values = [] ent_scores = [] for ent in sent.get_spans("ner"): ent_spans.append((ent.start_position, ent.end_position)) ent_values.append(ent.get_label("ner").value) ent_scores.append(str(int(round(ent.get_label("ner").score, 2) * 100))) enriched_cell.append( (ent_spans, {"entity": ent_values, "score": ent_scores}, "ENTS") ) return enriched_cell
[docs]def flair_atterize_fn( cell: str, flair_atterize_: Callable, tagger_pred: Callable, sent_fn: Callable, ) -> EnrichedCell: """ This function creates an enriched cell from the original cell using the Flair NLP enrichment objects. :param cell: The original cell. :type cell: str :param flair_atterize_: The enrichment function that creates an enriched cell from the cell inference derived by Flair NLP. :type flair_atterize_: Callable :param tagger_pred: A Flair NLP enrichment object. :type tagger_pred: Callable :param sent_fn: A Flair NLP enrichment object. :type sent_fn: Callable :return: The enriched cell. :rtype: EnrichedCell """ sent = sent_fn(cell) tagger_pred(sent) return flair_atterize_(sent)
[docs]def load_flair() -> Tuple: """ This function creates and returns the Flair NLP objects for data enrichment. :return: The tuple of Flair NLP objects. :rtype: Tuple """ from import Sentence from flair.models import SequenceTagger # import logging # import warnings # logging.getLogger("flair").setLevel(logging.ERROR) # warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", module="huggingface_hub") tagger = SequenceTagger.load("ner") return (tagger.predict, Sentence)
[docs]def enrich_row(row: Dict[Optional[str], Optional[str]]) -> List[EnrichedCell]: """ This function enriches one row. It takes named cells of an input row and returns an enriched row. The global ``ENRICHMENT_ARGS`` would have previously been set so it can be used here. :param row: The dictionary of named cell values in the row. :type row: Dict[Optional[str], Optional[str]] :return: The list of enriched cell values in the row. :rtype: List[EnrichedCell] """ assert ( None not in row ), "Dataset error: there is at least one unused cell value!" row_values = row.values() assert ( None not in row_values ), "Dataset error: there is at least one absent cell value!" atterize_fn = ENRICHMENT_ARGS[0] atterize_args = ENRICHMENT_ARGS[1:] enriched_row = [] for cell in row_values: cell = str(cell) enriched_cell = atterize_fn(cell, *atterize_args) adjust_span_offsets_from_char_to_byte(cell, enriched_cell) enriched_row.append(enriched_cell) return enriched_row
[docs]def adjust_span_offsets_from_char_to_byte( cell: str, enriched_cell: EnrichedCell, ) -> EnrichedCell: """ This function adjusts all the spans of an enriched cell from character offsets to byte offsets, since Watchful's data enrichment API takes in byte offsets. This is useful if your data enrichment functions and models creates character offsets. :param cell: The string value contained in the cell. :type cell: str :param enriched_cell: A list of attributes for the cell. :type enriched_cell: EnrichedCell :return: The list of attributes for the cell whose span offsets have been adjusted. :rtype: EnrichedCell """ byte_offsets = {} byte_offset = 0 for char_offset, ch in enumerate(cell): byte_offsets[char_offset] = byte_offset byte_offset += len(ch.encode("utf-8")) byte_offsets[len(cell)] = byte_offset for context in enriched_cell: spans = context[0] for i, span in enumerate(spans): (start, end) = span spans[i] = (byte_offsets[start], byte_offsets[end]) return enriched_cell
[docs]def init_args(*args) -> None: """ In this function, we create variables that we will store in the global :attr:`ENRICHMENT_ARGS`. We then later use them in :func:`enrich_row` to enrich our data row by row. This function initializes a per-process context with the user function that will be used in the ``multiprocessing.Pool.imap``. This is not necessarily thread-safe but is multiprocess-safe. :param args: A tuple of objects of any type, to be used for the data enrichment. :type args: Tuple """ global ENRICHMENT_ARGS ENRICHMENT_ARGS = args
[docs]def enrich( in_file: str, out_file: str, enrich_row_fn: Callable, enrichment_args: Tuple, ) -> None: """ This function enriches a dataset, using an enrichment function that enriches row by row and other enrichment objects, and then produces the attributes. :param in_file: The filepath of the csv formatted original dataset or the dataset exported from Watchful. This latter will be the former appended with the Watchful columns "Hints" and "HandLabels". It follows that these columns are reserved for Watchful and should not be present in the original dataset. :type in_file: str :param out_file: The filepath where the enriched attributes in Watchful custom format for ingestion by Watchful application are written to. :type out_file: str :param enrich_row_fn: The user custom function for enriching every row of the dataset. :type enrich_row_fn: Callable :param enrichment_args: The additional enrichment objects to perform the data enrichment. :type enrichment_args: Tuple """ with open(in_file, encoding="utf-8", newline="") as infile: in_reader = csv.reader(infile) n_cols = len(next(in_reader)) n_rows = None for n_rows, _ in enumerate(in_reader, 1): pass with open(in_file, encoding="utf-8", newline="") as infile, open( out_file, "w", encoding="utf-8" ) as outfile: in_reader = csv.DictReader(infile) global ATTR_WRITER ATTR_WRITER = writer(outfile, n_rows, n_cols) if IS_MULTIPROC: # Parallelize to the number of available cores (not the number of # available hyper threads). ``psutil`` is the only standard Python # package that can provide this measure (with logical=False). # Testing revealed wall times to be quite close to using all logical # CPUs, with better overall system responsiveness and less thermal # throttling in this scenario. # Additionally, as Python's threading uses a GIL, it is unsuitable # for this task. Use its multiprocessing intsead. However, # multiprocessing uses pickle and is unable to send functions across # process boundaries, hence the global variable set by the # initializer. with Pool( initializer=init_args, initargs=enrichment_args, processes=psutil.cpu_count(logical=False), ) as pool: for enriched_row in pool.imap( func=enrich_row_fn, iterable=in_reader, chunksize=MULTIPROC_CHUNKSIZE, ): proc_enriched_row(enriched_row) else: init_args(*enrichment_args) for enriched_row in map(enrich_row_fn, in_reader): proc_enriched_row(enriched_row) del ATTR_WRITER
[docs]def proc_enriched_row(enriched_row: List[EnrichedCell]) -> None: """ This function is iterated over every enriched row. Optionally, you may add code if you wish to do something auxiliary with every row. :param enriched_row: A list of enriched cells. :type enriched_row: List[EnrichedCell] """ # Do not edit this code. for enriched_cell in enriched_row: proc_enriched_cell(enriched_cell)
# Edit the code below if you wish to do something auxiliary with every row. # Here we simply print to stdout at the end of every `enriched_row`. # print(f'{"*" * 20} end of row {"*" * 20}')
[docs]def proc_enriched_cell(enriched_cell: EnrichedCell) -> None: """ This function is iterated over every enriched cell. Optionally, you may add code if you wish to do something auxiliary with every cell. :param enriched_cell: An enriched cell. :type enriched_cell: EnrichedCell """ # Do not edit this code. ATTR_WRITER(enriched_cell)
# Edit the code below if you wish to do something auxiliary with every cell. # Here we simply print every ``enriched_cell`` to stdout. # print("Enriched cell: ") # pprint(enriched_cell)
[docs]def get_vars_for_enrich_row_with_attribute_data( attr_names: str, attr_filepath: str, ) -> Tuple[Callable, List[str], csv.reader]: """ This function takes in a comma-delimited string of attribute names and the csv attributes filepath. It returns the attribute names as a list, the csv attribute reader, and a function that takes in a full row of attributes and returns the desired attributes. :param attr_names: The comma-delimited attribute names. :type attr_names: str :param attr_filepath: The attributes csv filepath. :type attr_filepath: str :return: The list of attribute names, csv attribute reader and a function that takes in a full row of attributes and returns the desired attributes. :rtype: Tuple[Callable, List[str], csv.reader] """ f = open( # pylint: disable=consider-using-with attr_filepath, encoding="utf-8", newline="" ) attr_reader = csv.reader(f) attr_name_list_all = next(attr_reader) if not attr_names: attr_name_list = attr_name_list_all def get_attr_row(attr_row_all): return attr_row_all else: attr_name_list = attr_names.split(",") attr_locs = list(map(attr_name_list_all.index, attr_name_list)) def get_attr_row(attr_row_all): return list(map(attr_row_all.__getitem__, attr_locs)) return get_attr_row, attr_name_list, attr_reader
[docs]def enrich_row_with_attribute_data( row: Dict[Optional[str], Optional[str]], ) -> List[EnrichedCell]: """ This function extracts the attributes from a row of an attributes file. Attributes are associated to the entire text in each named cell of the input dataset row. The entire text in each cell of the input dataset row is identified by its byte start index and byte end index. :param row: The dictionary of named cell values in the row. :type row: Dict[Optional[str], Optional[str]] :return: The list of enriched cell values in the row. :rtype: List[EnrichedCell] """ assert ( None not in row ), "Dataset error: there is at least one unused cell value!" row_values = row.values() assert ( None not in row_values ), "Dataset error: there is at least one absent cell value!" get_attr_row_fn = ENRICHMENT_ARGS[0] attr_names = ENRICHMENT_ARGS[1] attr_row_reader = ENRICHMENT_ARGS[2] attr_row = get_attr_row_fn(next(attr_row_reader)) enriched_row = [] for cell in row_values: # Just one span for example-level attributes. span = [(0, len(str(cell)))] # ``enriched_cell`` is to be appended over the len of attr_names. enriched_cell = [] for attr_name, attr_val in zip(attr_names, attr_row): # This is the attribute representation per input dataset cell as # required by Watchful application interface. Watchful application # has a restriction of uppercase characters and maximum 6 characters # on attr_representn[2]. # attr_representn = ( # span, {attr_name: [attr_val]}, # f"EX{attr_name.replace("_", "").upper()}" # ) # attr_representn = ( # span, {attr_name: [attr_val]}, # "SOME_GENERAL_INFO_ABOUT_ALL_ATTRIBUTES" # ) attr_representn = (span, {attr_name: [attr_val]}) enriched_cell.append(attr_representn) # Another possible representation. # attr_dict = {} # for attr_name, attr_val in zip(attr_names, attr_row): # attr_dict[attr_name] = [attr_val] # attr_representn = (span, attr_dict, "EXATTR") # enriched_cell.append(attr_representn) enriched_cell.append((span, {}, "EX")) adjust_span_offsets_from_char_to_byte(cell, enriched_cell) enriched_row.append(enriched_cell) return enriched_row
[docs]def validate_attribute_names(attr_names: str, attr_filepath: str) -> bool: """ This function checks that all attribute names are present in the attribute file. It returns False as soon as an attribute name is absent, or True when all attribute names match. :param attr_names: The comma-delimited attribute names. :type attr_names: str :param attr_filepath: The attributes filepath. :type attr_filepath: str :return: The boolean indicating if all the attribute names are present in the attributes file. :rtype: bool """ with open(attr_filepath, encoding="utf-8", newline="") as f: attr_row_reader = csv.reader(f) attr_names_all = next(attr_row_reader) for attr_name in attr_names.split(","): if attr_name not in attr_names_all: return False return True
[docs]def atterize_values_in_cell( cell: str, attribute_name: str, values: List[re.Pattern], ) -> EnrichedCell: """ This is a helper function to ``create_attribute_for_values()`` for finding the spans for each value in ``values``. :param cell: The original cell. :type cell: str :param attribute_name: The attribute name. :type attribute_name: str :return: The enriched cell. :rtype: EnrichedCell """ cell = str(cell) matches = [ [(m.start(), m.end()) for m in re.finditer(pattern, cell)] for pattern in values ] spans = list(merge(*matches)) return [(spans, {}, attribute_name)]
[docs]def create_attribute_for_values( attribute_name: str, values: List[re.Pattern], ) -> str: """ This function takes an attribute name and a list of known values to create attributes for. The list of values will be looked up in each cell of the currently loaded dataset. An attributes file will be prepared to be loaded into the Watchful application. It returns the filename of the created attribute file, which can be used by the attributes action and function: ``api.load_attributes(dataset_id, attribute_filename)``. :param attribute_name: The attribute name. :type attribute_name: str :param values: The list of known values to create attributes for. :type values: List[str] :return: The used attributes filename. :rtype: str """ in_file, out_file, out_filename = get_context(attribute_name) enrich( in_file, out_file, enrich_row, (atterize_values_in_cell, attribute_name, values), ) return out_filename
[docs]def get_context(attribute_filename: str) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """ This function takes in an attributes filename, finds the current dataset file loaded in Watchful and returns the context needed to enrich that dataset. This context includes the filename of the file used by the attributes action and function: ``client.load_attributes(dataset_id, attribute_filename)``. :param attribute_filename: The input attributes filename. :type attribute_filename: str :return: The dataset filepath, used attributes filepath and used attributes filename. :rtype: Tuple[str, str, str] """ summary = client.get() attrs_dir = os.path.join(summary["watchful_home"], "datasets", "attrs") os.makedirs(attrs_dir, exist_ok=True) _, _, in_file = get_dataset_id_dir_filepath(summary) in_filename = os.path.basename(in_file) out_file = os.path.join( attrs_dir, f"{in_filename}_{attribute_filename}.attrs" ) out_filename = os.path.basename(out_file) return in_file, out_file, out_filename
[docs]def get_dataset_id_dir_filepath( summary: Dict, in_file: Optional[str] = "", is_local: Optional[bool] = True, ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """ This function returns the id, directory and filepath of the currently opened dataset. :param summary: The dictionary of the HTTP response from a connection request, defaults to None. :type summary: Dict :param in_file: The dataset filepath, defaults to "". :type in_file: str, optional :param is_local: Boolean indicating whether the Watchful application is local (otherwise hosted), defaults to True. :type is_local: bool, optional :return: The id, directory and filepath of the currently opened dataset. :rtype: Tuple[str, str, str] """ summary = client._assert_success(summary) dataset_id = client.get_dataset_id(summary) datasets_dir = client.get_datasets_dir(summary, is_local) if in_file != "": # Check that ``in_file`` exists. if not os.path.isfile(in_file): raise Exception(f"File {in_file} does not exist.") dataset_filepath = in_file else: dataset_filepath = client.get_dataset_filepath(summary, is_local) return dataset_id, datasets_dir, dataset_filepath